Neil came to Cambridge as part of his Anansi Boy's signing tour(as mentioned in his journal post). Neil read a few pages from Anansi Boys and then answered questions. In which a quick over view of the sequel to Good Omens with Terry Pratchet was covered. Mirrormask, which opens next Friday, was plugged and Neil talked about future movies that are or may be happening at some point in the future. I am glad I got to see Neil at the beginning of his tour before the long weeks started to get to him. :)
In the signing line I was in front of two people who were chatting along. At one point I heard them mention cambridge and lotus in the same breath. It caught my interest but I said nothing. A little while later they mentioned westford, iris and lotus all at once. "Do you work for IBM?" I asked. "Yes," they both replied, "Do you?" "Yeah out in westford." Turns out we all worked out in Westford. Kinda crazy that we ended up next to each other in the signing line. I guess it isn't that strange but it was kinda cool.
Neil was still signing strong an hour or so later when I walked by. I do not envy that at all.