
Walking down a newly built walking path that goes by an abandoned steam factory on a Saturday afternoon.

[![Steam pipes](http://static.flickr.com/56/245860062_d11f012419.jpg)](http://www.flickr.com/photos/spi/245860062/)

See a perfect spider web but cannot get the best picture of it. The sun is coming at the wrong angle.

[![Spider web](http://static.flickr.com/90/245858285_de8a99fe00.jpg)](http://www.flickr.com/photos/spi/245858285/)

The early hint of fall folidge makes for a nice contrast with the water, rusty pipes, and green trees.


The building has not been used for a handful of years. The guy next door tells us the place was shut down in 1999 after being open since 1930.

[![Broken Window](http://static.flickr.com/94/245855994_9fb2326117.jpg)](http://www.flickr.com/photos/spi/245855994/)

Shoes are always left.

[![Boot and Cart](http://static.flickr.com/86/245881882_071c5eccac.jpg)](http://www.flickr.com/photos/spi/245881882/)

A very successful day of exploring 9-17-06