During the Cambridge River Fest last weekend this lady was standing next to the bike path. Very statuesque.
This was a test of the flickr "Blog This" functionality.
-read more-During the Cambridge River Fest last weekend this lady was standing next to the bike path. Very statuesque.
This was a test of the flickr "Blog This" functionality.
-read more-So yesterday I was messing around on godaddy.com found out that spilog.org was available. So from now on my journal will only be available on spilog.org.
Update your RSS feeds.
-read more-So today for some reason the thought hit me. I have been using the internet since around '98 or so, maybe even earlier. I don't really remember. In that time I have created many accounts and religiously visited many different forums, so I have Interent debris floating all around the 'net ready to come back and embarrass me.
I am user #62 on the AmbrosiaSW forums. I don't own a Mac anymore so I haven't frequented their site for quite a while.
I used to check out the Fantasy Finder weekly if not daily for new fantasy ...
-read more-Today was the Cambridge River Fest along the Charles river near Harvard Square. Freezepop played at the festival on the Middle East stage.
They performed a 45 minute set. I even recognized a few of their songs.
I have previously listened to and downloaded a few of their songs but
had never gotten around to picking up a cd. So today I bought 5 of their
CDs, which included their full lengths plus a bunch of EPs. So now I can
rock to Freezepop for a long while.
Cambridge River Festival Photos(Flickr.com)
Two low quality vids I made ...
-read more-Ultimate! After way to long without playing any Ultimate Frisbee tonight I played a good hour and a half of an Ultimate pickup game. It was good, even though I forgot my water bottle and was way out of shape. Luckily there are games played every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday so I hope to get a good amount of Ultimate from now on.
I do need to buy some soccer shoes, because regular running shoes do not quite cut it when trying to change direction quickly on wet grass.
The group plays in the park right across from where I ...
-read more-Neil Gaiman mentioned on his blog today that Yahoo has a exclusive trailer for his film Mirrormask available.
After seeing the trailer along with the previous ones and hearing all talk about the movie, I will be glad when I get to see it soon. It arrives in theaters this Fall. Now I am looking forward to it even more then I have previously.
-read more-Today the last vestiges of Tech were removed from my car. My previous insurance was not going to be any good here in MA. So this past week I went and found new insurance for my car. It was actually cheaper then my MN insurance. Finally something in MA that is cheaper then MN. It helps to have a clean driving record. :)
Anyway today I went and got my insurance and safety inspection. The technician asked if I wanted my Michigan Tech stikers removed and I agreed. Now I can be a MA driver, I have plates and an inspection ...
-read more-My room mate Tim is going on a two week trek out west. It sounds very busy but alot of fun. Last summer I made it out West on a nice road trip. Paul and I spent time in Glacier National Park up in Montana, spent a weekend on the Oregon coast visiting my brother, and drove through Yellowstone. The Oregon coast is very cool. There are some very interesting areas along the coast.
The Rockies are awesome. It is so different to drive around them compared to anything out East or in the Mid-West. I haven't been to ...
-read more-During the drive from Syracuse NY to the Boston area I climed up to the highest point on I-90 between there and somewhere in South Dakota. I wrote down Ocama but that isn't a town in SD. Anyway that point was approximately 1730 feet in elevation. It was right after the Appalachain trail crossed the Mass Pike. From that point in MA you would have to drive at least 1500 miles west to reattain the same elevation.
-read more-I have now been in Arlington MA since last Tuesday. Work so far has been very good. Other then the usual start up slowness and me figuring out my laptop was broken by trying to install Win2k on it.
Today I biked down to Davis Square. The Minuteman bike path that is right behind my apartment goes down to the Alewife T-stop and then continues on to Davis Square. So I can easily get from my apartment to Davis square in about 15-20 minutes. There are plans to extend it all the way to Lechmere and eventually downtown Boston which ...
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