Iris and the Weather

You can order the new Iris single "Unknown" from A Different Drum. It is supposed to be a very good single. To bad it doesn't have any b-sides. My copy should be in the mail soon. I am really looking forward to it. You can also pre-order the new album which is going to be released before the end of the year. It should really rock!

Raymond Feist is still going strong writing new material. The only thing is that its only being released in Europe at the moment. So don't hesitate to order from overseas. He has ...

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Elizabeth Haydon

I just finished Destiny by Elizabeth Haydon. And have published a short review. A very good book and a fullfilling end to a very awsome series. Its nice to know that an author can finish a series in 3 books and make it more then satisfying.

Its been so long since I last read a good yarn. Maybe now I will find some time to deplete my Book to Read pile.

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Linux P2P

So yesterday I fired up the trusty Limewire and it said there was an update available. So I went and downloaded the update and now it dies with a class not found exception. So I went on the search of a new Linux P2P application, I found one that works its called the giFT network. There are not a whole lot of people on but you can usually find what you want and its moderately fast. You also need an interface to your server process that you run, I am using giFTcurs.

Have fun!

Update: So this article now shows ...

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Virtual Server - Installed

I love this album. Its amazing one of the best releases of 2002. Has some really great songs. DJ Ram said a v2 is in the works right now. Which is awsome because its another CD to look forward to.

Personally I like
Fallen - Chrissy is amazing... some really strong female vocals. Which you don't find to much of in Synthpop music these days.
Divide - I like the lyrics and Charlie has an awsome voice and the programming is different. I like the mix on this song overall.

"Don't let me fall
Fall into this darkness
Into this ...

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C&E Another Minute

Well I recieved Another Minute in the mail on Friday. After listening to it all I can say is wow! Another amazing CD, but then of course I already knew the CD was gonna rock.

My fav tracks:
You Think You Know Her - No doubt about this song its C&E history. An awsome track, really nice start to the album. Very cool sound.
Farewell to Arms - Different, slower more melodic, very interesting music. Love the vocals here. The lyrics just sound so awsome.
Another Minute - Upbeat, dancy, synthpop at its best. Very cool song.
Echoing Green - Okay this song ...

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Virtual Server & C&E

Today when I arrived back at my apt after a hard day of work. What was waiting for me? While non other then Virtual Server's new CD Installed and Cause & Effect's CD Another Minute. The VS cd is the first CD from a brand new act by DJ Ram of Russia paring with a bunch of sweet vocalists from around the world(Neuropa, Beborn Benton, B! Machine, Echoing Green, Brave New World, Shades of Grey, No Comment, Carpe Diem, Blue October, Voice Industrie). Plus this is a limited Edition 2 disk set with a 2nd cd full of ...

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New Site is Live

My site is now live using the PTV backend. Please excuse the small formating issues with tables and paragraphes nested inside my news article layout until I get this theme looking 100% perfect.

For right now create an account and give me some feed back I would love to hear from you.

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I now have a full honest to goodness hosting service so will no longer suffer downtime unless my host goes down. I don't have room for the mail lists I was archiving but I am actively archiving on my home computer. The new PHP backend is here rejoice!!

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I just bought Leiahdorus "Ashes, Ashes". A very good album.
Produced by Joey Belville of The Echoing Green. I love the mix of piano and
other instruments. "Rose crush pedals hit the ground"

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De/Vision - Two

I also bought De/Vision "Two". Another interesting album. Love the vocals on here. Seems to have a few more ballads then the other synthpop I have been listening to recently. It is so hard to describe the music though.

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